
4 EDIT Read part of the first draft of Dana's editorial. Find and correct five mistakes in the use of time clauses. The first mistake is already corrected.
Yesterday, a man was talking on his cell phone while he was drive his car. Maybe he checking his daily planner while he was making his next appointment. He was certainly not concentrating on the road when the light suddenly was turning red. The two men in the street were trying to jump out of the way when they saw him, but it was too late. No one was badly hurt, but that was just luck. Last year, the City Council weren't passing the "talking and driving law." We need that law!​

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vvvv nu mai este de a se vedea site-ul companiei la ora iesa rfyrt la ora iesa rfyrt la oi de rasa este un moment de reculegere in Italia ❤️ ❤️ De de ce ai făcut parul lung de ce sa fac o să fie la fel cum nu mai bine să îți faci un y te iubesc ADELA la un y te iubesc din grup de oameni au