II Eeeeeee squected the something which youve probably guessed was my breve ancestor the First George Eeeeeew! he velled. And then something amazing happened George started to shout shove off you big bully but a chan tocht he and bottom did he said W instead. And that sounded like: 'SH OW Which did the trick Xeone thought the creature had called his Hickkame that was and magic to a lost and hungry dragon that the let go of George and said helle in Mandarin Which sounded like: Nin had Xing hur xing Aw, w that means Helle, sir I am most honoured to meet you boundless respect and admination that might sound a bit posh for saying hello to a mouse, but Chinese dragons are very grand More royal thankings, ore imperial than emperors Georce was dead impressed and didn't scarper, which was pretty brave Auwwight mate stid Georbe in a bit of a squeak because he was as brave as a tion but even a lion might be a bit nervous around it digon as big as a Number 27 bus Don't know what you said there, pal, but the same to you and welcome George swallowed down his instinct to run very fast from this huge toothy dragon but he said in a quavery veice. What's your name, Sir? The dragon bewed and said I am Ae din Xuany yellow dragon lord of the Chinese Empire. But my friends call me Xatolong 0 The dragon bowed again, and George bowed, then he ran up on to Xiaolong's hend the drtoon chambered into the stone spiral and with a scraping of claws on stone whisked up the stairs Pop! his head shot out of the door to the roof like a ferret out of a trouserleg 8.6.2008 *****