
How do the American places, people,--and their action compare and contrast with places and people in Romania? While describing specific places, events, and individuals in Romania, draw parallels and contrasts with American counterparts. Most of your discussion will focus on Romania, with references to similar or contrasting aspects of American culture and geography. Be selective in your discussion! Discuss only as many examples as can be discussed with adequate attention to details and specifics. Seven is probably the maximum number of specific people, situations, etc., to which you can give attention.

Răspuns :

Hello, my name is X, and today I'd want to discuss how American locations, people, and actions compare and contrast with places and people in Romania. Every country has its own set of traditions, beliefs, and ways of life.

I reside in Romania and have visited America several times.  Both civilizations are significantly distinct from one another, not only in the landscape but also in the people.

Romanians are well-known for being naturally welcoming people. They are always willing to make you feel accepted and at ease. Holidays, particularly Christmas, are the most important tradition in Romania. Children put their shoes outside their front door on St. Nicholas Day for St. Nicholas to fill with sweets if they have been nice and sticks if they have been naughty. On Christmas Eve, youngsters walk door to door, singing to the adults in the households. Romanians do not decorate their Christmas trees until Christmas Eve. Santa Claus is known as Mos Craciun, which translates to "Old Man Christmas." The youngsters awake on Christmas morning to find all of their gifts from Mos Craciun. Americans love Christmas, but they celebrate it quite differently. Most Americans put their Christmas tree up on Thanksgiving Day or the day following. On Christmas Eve, the children leave milk and cookies out for Santa Claus. If the children have been nice, they are excited to see if Santa has filled their stockings with gifts on Christmas Day. If they were really nasty that year, Santa might stuff their stockings with coal. While Romania and the United States are significantly different, they nevertheless have numerous commonalities.

Because of its remarkable geography and history, Romanian culture is one of a kind. The term "Romania" recalls the cultural and linguistic legacy of ancient Rome. The Romanian flag consists of three vertical stripes in blue, yellow, and red. These three hues represent Transilvania, Moldovia, and Walachia, respectively. Because of their communist heritage, the people as a whole are not extremely nationalistic. Romania is now a democratic country with a president and a prime minister. The Romanian people normally adore their president, but they never trust their prime minister.

Many aspects of our world today are impacted by American culture. The United States is like a melting pot; it is the world's most culturally diversified country. Amerigo Vespucci is the name given to America. He was an Italian adventurer who travelled with Christopher Columbus in America. People in the United States, unlike Romanians, are extremely nationalistic. On July 4th, 1776, they even have a holiday to commemorate America's independence from England. They are quite proud of their country's origins and how far they have come as a society. America is a democratic country with a president, a vice president, and many more officials in the White House who help make choices for their nation. The Democratic and Republican parties are the two major political parties in America's presidential campaign.

Every day living in Romania is slow and laid back. Romanians spend their lives as if there were no time in the world. Romanians are seldom hurried. Life is quite basic in rural Romania. Their primary mode of mobility is horses and bicycles. Farming is how they acquire money to sustain their family. Romania is still suffering from its communist history, particularly in the rural. Everyone knows everyone in the communities, and they all help each other.

Despite the fact that America is significantly more hectic than Romania, the inhabitants of both countries live similar lifestyles. Every day, men and women struggle to provide for their families. Everyone has a regular regimen that they follow religiously. 

In conclusion, despite the variations across nations, we all have the same goal: to protect our families and supply them with necessities.