Ca sa fie mai usor. Iei Catvea Bucati De Hartie Si Le Tai Cum Sunt Acele Cartonase Sau Iti Desenezi Pe Caiet Chenarele.
Trebuie Sa Rezumi In Cateva Chenare Ce Scrie Acolo In Chenarul Albastru De Sus. (Name And Type.....Called It "Wheles Harp")
In Primul Chenal
The Imstrument Is Called Triple Harp. Its Verry Tall And Looka Like The Number Seven (7) Its Played By Pulling With Your Finger By Difrent Colored Strings.
In Al Doilea Chenar
You can also play by operating the seven foot pedals at the base. Its first apearence was in Italy by the 16th sencuary.
In Al Treilea Chenar
It spread to Britain In The 17th sencuary, and when a famos imstrument player called Welsh Harp played it, everybody called the instrument so. (Welsh Harp)
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