
Exercise 1. Fill in the following sentences with the indefinite article whenever needed. Rewrite the entire sentence.
1. My neighbor is...photographer; let’s ask him for...advice about color films. ________________________________________________________________________________
2. We had...fish and...chips for...lunch. ________________________________________________________________________________
3. I had...very bad night; I didn’t sleep...wink. ________________________________________________________________________________
4. He is...vegetarian; you won’t get...meat at this house. He’ll give you...nut cutlet. Last time I had...nut cutlet I had...indigestion. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
5. ...travel agent would give you...information about...hotels. ________________________________________________________________________________ 6. We’d better go by...taxi – if we can get...taxi at such...hour as 2 a.m. ________________________________________________________________________________ 7. ...person who suffers from...claustrophobia has...dread of being confined in ...small space, and would always prefer...stairs to...lift. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Do you take...sugar in ...coffee? I used to, but now I’m on ...diet. I’m trying to lose...weight. ________________________________________________________________________________ 9. ...suffering from ...shock should not be given anything to drink. ________________________________________________________________________________
10. You’ll get...shock if you touch...live wire with that screwdriver. Why don’t you get...screwdriver with...insulated handle? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. It costs fifty-five and ...half pence and I’ve only got...fifty pence piece. You can pay by ... cheque here. But can I write...cheque for...fifty-five and...half pence? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Mr. Smith is...old customer and...honest man. Why do you say that? Has he been accused of...dishonesty? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 13. I’m not...wage-earner; I’m...self-employed man. I have...business of my own. Then you’re not...worker; you’re capitalist!

14 When he was charged with...murder he said he had...alibi. ________________________________________________________________________________ 15. ...friend of mine is expecting...baby. If it’s...girl she’s going to be called Etheldreda. What...name to give...girl! ______________________________________________________________________

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Exercise 1. Fill in the following sentences with the indefinite article whenever needed. Rewrite the entire sentence.

1. My neighbor is...photographer; let’s ask him for...advice about color films.  

My neighbor is a photographer; let’s ask him for advice about color films.

2. We had...fish and...chips for...lunch.

  We had fish and chips for lunch.

3. I had...very bad night; I didn’t sleep...wink.

  I had a very bad night; I didn’t sleep a wink.

4. He is... vegetarian; you won’t get...meat at this house. He’ll give you...nut cutlet. Last time I had...nut cutlet I had...indigestion.

 He is vegetarian; you won’t get meat at this house. He’ll give you nut cutlet. Last time I had nut cutlet I had an indigestion.

5. ...travel agent would give you...information about...hotels.

A travel agent would give you information about hotels.

6. We’d better go by...taxi – if we can get...taxi at such...hour as 2 a.m. We’d better go by taxi – if we can get a taxi at such an hour as 2 a.m.

7. ...person who suffers from...claustrophobia has...dread of being confined in ...small space, and would always prefer...stairs to...lift.

   A person who suffers from claustrophobia has a dread of being confined in a small space, and would always prefer stairs to lift.

8. Do you take...sugar in ...coffee? I used to, but now I’m on ...diet. I’m trying to lose...weight.  

  Do you take sugar in coffee? I used to, but now I’m on a diet. I’m trying to lose weight.  

9. ...suffering from ...shock should not be given anything to drink.

A suffering from shock should not be given anything to drink.

10. You’ll get...shock if you touch...live wire with that screwdriver. Why don’t you get...screwdriver with...insulated handle?

_You’ll get a shock if you touch a live wire with that screwdriver. Why don’t you get a screwdriver with an insulated handle?

11. It costs fifty-five and ...half pence and I’ve only got...fifty pence piece. You can pay by ... cheque here. But can I write...cheque for...fifty-five and...half pence?

 It costs fifty-five and a half pence and I’ve only got a fifty pence piece. You can pay by cheque here. But can I write a cheque for fifty-five and a half pence?

12. Mr. Smith is...old customer and...honest man. Why do you say that? Has he been accused of...dishonesty?

   Mr. Smith is an old customer and an honest man. Why do you say that? Has he been accused of dishonesty?

13. I’m not...wage-earner; I’m...self-employed man. I have...business of my own. Then you’re not...worker; you’re capitalist!

I’m not a wage-earner; I’m a self-employed man. I have a business of my own. Then you’re not a worker; you’re capitalist!

14 When he was charged with...murder he said he had...alibi.

 When he was charged with murder he said he had an alibi.

15. ...friend of mine is expecting...baby. If it’s...girl she’s going to be called Etheldreda. What...name to give...girl!

A friend of mine is expecting a baby. If it’s a girl she’s going to be called Etheldreda. What a name to give a girl!