
O compunere imaginara in engleza in care sa faci un text de 5-10 randuri in care sa areti întâlnirea cu un extraterestru ​

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Buna! :)


The odd meeting

It was a sunny day. Everione was outside playing in the garden but it was october so the happiness didn't last long. We went to school that day and everything was fine. After school i got home and done my homework in a hurry. When i finished them i went outside waiting my friends but no one was on the street i called them on my phone but no one was answering so i just sat outside waiting for someone to come out. Suddenly i heard an odd noise from my garden so I checked everywhere and out of no where i saw a space ship with aliens around it. They were GREEN. I was so scared so I got in my house and l closed the door and went to sleep. I never saw them again after that and I didn't want to do it.