
5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. wild ,reindeer ,kingdom ,loyal, captivity ,fairy tale. 1 The servants are very loyal to their queen. This.... has a happy ending. 2 3 Santa's favourite ...., Rudolph, has a red nose. 4 The lion is a .... animal. 5 Wild animals live in .... at the zoo. 6 The prince saves his.... by fighting off dragons.

Va rog urgent!!​

Răspuns :


1 The servants are very loyal to their queen.

2. This fairy tale has a happy ending.

3 Santa's favorite reindeer, Rudolph, has a red nose.

4 The lion is a wild animal.

5 Wild animals live in captivity at the zoo.

6 The prince saves his kingdom by fighting off dragons


1. Supușii sunt foarte loiali reginei.

2. Această poveste are un sfârșit fericit.

3. Renul favorit al lui Moș Crăciun, Rudolf, are nasul roșu.

4. Leul este un animal sălbatic.

5. Animalele sălbatice trăiesc în captivitate la grădina zoologică.

6. Prițul și-a salvat regatul învingându-i pe dragoni.



fairy tale



