3 ✰✰✰ Complete the conversation with which, who, that, where or whose. HOLLY What kind of books do you like reading? have ANNA I like reading books 1 vampires or witches in them. My favourite book is one about a girl 2 grandmother was a witch. It's a historical is about a witch. novel 3 HOLLY Is it set in England? ANNA No, it's set in America, 4 Mary, 'the witch girl', is sent after her grandmother's death. What about you? What kind of books do you like? HOLLY I like historical novels. I'm reading one now 5 is set in Victorian England. It's has to work. about a poor girl 6 She
works for a famous medium, Madam Savoya, 7 job is to contact the spirits of dead people for their relatives. It sounds like the kind of book 8 I'd like to read. Can I borrow it when you've finished? ANNA
dau coroana mulțumesc mult!!