
imi trebuie repedeeee
sa nu fie raspuns aiurea​

Imi Trebuie Repedeeeesa Nu Fie Raspuns Aiurea class=

Răspuns :

1make sure

2 nu îmi dau seama aici

3make friends

4make fun

5make it up

6were making too much noise.


1. When you go out, make sure that the door is locked, OK?

2. Doing a lot of exercise makes a difference to your health.

3. When he moved to his new school it was really hard for him to make jokes with his new classmates.

4. It isn't very nice to make fun of other people.

5. Is that story really true? Or did you just make it up?

6. They made too much noise so I couldn't hear the conversation.


La fel ca în română, verbul "to make"=,,a face" se folosește pentru a forma multe expresii. Cele pe care le-am folosit în aceste enunțuri se traduc așa:

make sure - asigură-te

makes a difference - face o diferență

make jokes -(să) facă glume

make fun - (a) râde (de)

make it up - (ai) inventat(-o)

made too much noise - (au) făcut prea multă gălăgie

Sper că te-am ajutat!