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Honeybees are very important to the planet as they pollinate the plants. They sadly are close to extinction, and due to that many plants die if they do not get pollinated by them. Diseases and mites called Varroa are the reason to their extinction.
I hope it fits in your textbook.
Honeybees are essential to the planet. Unfortunately, they are close to extinction as the surface of the land having wild plants decreases every year as the surface of the cultivated land increases. If the bees do not have flowers, they can't live, the plants also die as there will be no bee to pollinate the flowers. Other reasons for the extinction are diseases, parasites and chemicals. The bees are attacked by mites, 8 legged insects. If measures are not taken, all the bees in the hive can be killed by the mites. Also, chemicals used to protect crops against insects kill the bees too. If we want plants in the future, we must protect the bees!