îmi poate cineva să-mi traducă asta și mi-e?Din Romana In Engleza va rogg urgent am nevoiee

Hello! I can help you :)
The most beautiful city in the hole world is London.
London is the huge heart of the United Kingdom.
In fact, London is the city of rain. There is raining every single day. Consequently, when you are traveling you have to take a umbrella with you guys.
The residents of London are very smiling and really to look in a wonderful mood.
At the end of the week in London, a big number of people are going in parks to make a break from their working days.
The most beautiful city of the world is London, London its the enormous heart of United Kingdom, Also London is a raining city. There is raining in almost every day in consequence when you are travelling there bring a umbrella with you. And London residents are very smiling and they can always look that they are in a amazing mood. At the end of the week in London a big amount of people go to parks to make a pause for theirs working days.
Nu sunt sigura la cuvintele :
Locuitorii - the residents
Zâmbitori - smiling
Un număr mare-a big amount
(ma voi informa mai bine pe google, îți voi spune în comentarii dacă găsesc)