
Cine îmi poate spune și mie verbele uncountable si countable din limba Engleza?Le-am uitat și am nevoie de ele la recapitulare!!!

Răspuns :

Răspuns: In English grammar there are 2 types of nouns:

Countable nouns (substantive numarabile).

Uncountable nouns (substantive nenumarabile).

Countable nouns refer to the nouns which can be counted.

They have both singular and plural form.

(Substantivele numarabile se refera la acele substantive care pot fi numarate, acestea au forma de singular si plural).

Here are some examples of singular and plural nouns:

Iata cateva exemple:



one flower

two flowers

one cup of tea

two cups of tea

one house

two houses

one chair

two chairs

one baby

two babies

one story

two stories

one horse

two horses

Substantive nenumarabile in engleza

Uncountable nouns refer to those things that can’t be counted. They don’t have a plural form, we use them with a singular verb.

To express quantity we can use units of measurement:

a cup of, a bag of, 1 kilo of, a jar of, a spoon of, a handful of, a pinch of, a piece of, a glass of, a bottle of, a loaf of, a slice of

(Substantivele nenumarabile se refera la acele lucruri care nu pot fi numarate. Acestea nu au forma de plural, iar verbul se foloseste la singular. Le putem folosi cu unitati de masura).


sugar     I want some sugar in my coffee, please.

tea     Can you bring me a cup of tea?

news     The news is great, when do you get married?

money I don’t have any money for holiday.

fish      Bring me a kilo of fish, please.

milk     She forgot to buy a carton of milk for lunch.

oil       We ran out of oil. Can you buy a bottle?

cake    I want 2 pieces of cake if it is possible.        



flour, salt, rice, sand, pepper....

butter, meat, cheese, cream, youghurt, jam,honey, confiture...

advice,  information, research

deer, sheep.