
Scrieți un text scurt în care să includeți următoarele adverbe :on foot, late, here, slowly, well, vă rog ajutați-mă ​

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Titlu: the raise

I never get to work on time, somehow i’m always late! No matter how early i leave the house, but this time, being late got me a promotion…here’s how!
Well it was just another monday, i usually go on foot to work but today it was raining. I slowly walked to the bus stop just in time to catch the ride! On the bus a shocking thing happend…a lady fell down! Being a nurse i quickly figured she was having an allergic reaction, i administered her the needed medicine and called an ambulance for precaution.
The lady ended up talking to my boss and i got a salary raise!
In the end everyone was fine and some, like myself, even more than fine!