Ajutor vă roggggg,am nevoie urgent

exercitiul 1
1 an
2 any
3 any
4 some
5 a
6 any
7 some
8 some
9 any
10 some
11 any
12 some
13 some
14 any
exercitiul 2
1 how many
2 how much
3 how much
4 how many
5 how much
6 how much
7 how much
8 how much
9 how many
10 how much
11 how many
12 how many
exercitiul 3
1 How many eggs are there?
2 How much tomato juice is there?
3 How many packets of pasta are there?
4 How many red peppers are there?
5 How many beans are there?
6 How much pizza is there?
7 How much salt is there?
an apple
any eggs
a Sandwich
some pineapple juice
any cakes
any rice
some jam
any oranges
some butter
any Milk
some bananas
some bread
some tomatoes
any cheese
How much butter
How much pizza
How much Honey
How many bottles
How many strawberries
How much meat
How many peaches
How much ham
How much fish
How many slices
How many eggs are there?
How much tomato juice is there?
How many pakets of pasta are there?
How many red peppers are there ?
How many beans are there?
How much pasta is there?
How much salt ia there?
Sper ca am ajutat! Good luck!!