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O sa ti pun direct rasp corect
2. I am useless at remembering people's names.
3. I have no idea on how to cook.
4. I actually find, understanding songs in english, really easy. (In propozitia asta conteaza accentul si cum pronunti, prima data cand o citesti proababil o sa spui ca nu e corecta dar zic sa o citesti pana ti dai seama).
5. I managed to run 15 km last weekend.
6. I have no clue on how am I supposted change a wheel on a car.
7. I find typing without looking at the keybord lockey impossible. (la fel ca si la punctul 4)
8. I have no good in making decisions. SAU I am no good at making decisions.
9. I know someone who is brilliant at playing the guitar.