
I. Fill in one word:
1.The..........closed the road through the mountains for over a month.
2.There are often.........in the Caribbean in the summer.
3.The.............in Romania led to a terrible drought.
4.There will be a ..................on the sea tonight and the wind will blow hard.
5.The..........is the part of a hospital where you go if you have an emergency.
6.A.........is a big room with beds in a hospital where patients receive medical treatment.
7.A.............is a doctor who gives medical treatment to people who live in a particular area.
8.An....................is a disease in part of your body which is caused by a bacteria or a .........
9.An .......................is the place where you have an operation. (2p)

II. Form relative clauses:
1.She worked for a man ( the man used to be an athlete). 2.They called a lawyer ( the lawyer lived nearby).
3.We broke the computer ( the computer belonged to my father) 4.She loves books ( the books have happy endings).
5.The man is in the garden ( the man is wearing a blue jumper). 6.A dolphin is an animal............
7.Spain is the country.....................
8.This is the hospital.....................
9.That’s the man whose.......................
10.I like the times when.......................... (3p)

III. Change the sentences to passive voice:
1.One of the cleaners has found my purse.
2.The robber hit him on the head with a hammer. 3.The government has built a new road in this area. 4.The assistant handed me a note.
5.We elected John lass representative.
6.Someone has taken my wallet.
7.Many people use bicycles as a means of transport. 8.They advised me to get a visa.
9.They were rebuilding the old road when I drove by. 10.The local council opened a new shopping centre.
( 3p)
Of 2p

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