
Scrieți în engleză și în română 5 propoziții cu was și 5 propoziții cu were​

Răspuns :

I was at the shop yesterday.
Am fost la magazin ieri.

He was looking on the window.
El se uita pe fereastra.

She didn’t know that Lucas was sitting next to her.
Ea nu stia ca Lucas stătea lângă ea.

He thought that he was adopted.
El a crezut ca a fost adoptat.

It looked like it was going to rain.
Arată de parca era sa ploua.

You were a nightmare!
Ai fost un coșmar!

They were at the beach today.
Ei au fost la plaja azi.

You were grounded because of what you did.
Ai fost pedepsit pentru ce ai făcut.

Were you in the basement last night?
Ai fost la subsol aseară/azi-noapte?

They were robbed in the middle of the park.
Ei au fost jefuiți in mijlocul parcului.