dau coroana!!!!!!!!!

1.Moldova is situated in the south-eastern Europe.
Since 1990, the territory of the Republic of Moldova located on the eastern shore.
2.The largest river in Moldova is the Prut.
3.In Moldova are 2,618 milion people.
4.Once the migrant peoples have passed, the native Romanian-speaking population has assimilated or settled.
5.The countries with which Moldova borders are: Romania to the west and Ukraine to the north, east and south.
6.Yes, they are members of the EU.
7.Moldova have common roots with Romania.
8.Moldova can be proud of being member of: Organizației Națiunilor Unite, Consiliul Europei, Parteneriatului pentru Organizației Națiunilor Unite, Consiliul Europei, Parteneriatului.
Sper ca te am ajutat!
astept coroana:)