
5 propoziții cu Present Perfect Simple
5 propoziții cu Past Simple ​

Răspuns :



1 I have been to Australia twice

2 You seen that film before

3 He won the gold medal

4 She lived here singe she was a baby

5 they passed the exam


1 I haven't play the piano for years

2 you haven't cleaned the house yet

3 She hasn't felt well for days

4 We haven't played a match against they yet

5 They haven't studied for the exam tomorrow


1 Have I been sick many times this year?

2 Have they eaten all the pizza already?

3 Has She ever been to Norway?

4 Has he baked a cake before?

5 Have you known each other long?


1 I went to school yesterday

2 I did my homework last week.

3 Yesterday I went to the store and bought sweets.

4 I went to the library and bought books.

5 Yesterday I read many poems

6 I did not stay in the house, I went shopping.

7 Last week I watched many funny cartoons.

8 Two years ago I was on duty at school.

9 Yesterday my sister and I played basketball

Present Perfect Simple se formeaza cu auxiliarul to have( have, has ) urmat de participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat.

( Nu uitati: la un verb regulat, participiul trecut se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei -ed; la verbele neregulate, el reprezinta a treia forma de baza.)

Perfectul Prezent se foloseste cel mai adesea atunci cand dorim sa scoatem in evidenta un efect pe care il are in prezent o actiune desfasurata in trecut.

Ex: I have eaten = Am mancat (deci nu mai imi este foame).

Somebody has stolen my pen = Cineva mi-a furat stiloul (asadar nu mai am cu ce scrie

1. descrie o actiune trecuta, ale carei efecte se fac inca simtite in prezent

I have sold my car. Eu mi-am mandut masina(efect=trebuie sa merg la slujba cu autobuzul)

He has read that book. El a citit acea carte (efect=ii cunoaste continutul)

2. se foloseste impreuna cu indicatori temporali nedefiniti, cum ar fi: ever, never, before, yet, already, dar niciodata cu indicatori temporali definiti, precum yesterday, last week, a month ago.

She has never seen such a car. Ea niciodata nu a vazut o asemenea masina.

I have already solved that problem. Eu deja am rezolvat acea problema.

3. se foloseste pentru a descrie o actiune care a inceput in trecut si se continua si in momentul vorbirii(aceeasi parte a zilei, aceeasi zi, acelasi an, etc).

We haven't eaten today yet. Azi inca nu am mancat.

4. Folosit impreuna cu just acest timp descrie ceea ce s-a intamplat de curand. In romana acest lucru se exprima cu perfectul compus si adverbul tocmai.

They have just got married. Ei tocmai s-au casatorit.

We have just arrived. Noi tocmai ce am sosit.

5. descrie o actiune inceputa in trecut si care se prelungeste in prezent.

In acest caz, se traduce cu prezentul:

How long have they been here? De cand sunt ei aici?

She has been here for three days. Ea se afla aici de trei zile.

6. se foloseste cu expresiile: This is the first time... si It's (a long time) since...

This is the first time I have been in a cave. E prima data cand ma aflu intr-o pestera.

It's a long time since you have visited me. De mult nu ai mai fost in vizita la mine.



5 propoziții cu Present Perfect Simple

1. I have just eaten.

2. Have you seen the film?

3. I have never gone abroad.

4. Has he eaten his breakfast?

5. We have been many times to Bucharest.

5 propoziții cu Past Simple ​

1. I was in Bucharest last month.

2. I didn't go to school yesterday.

3. We didn't buy that car.

4. They didn't accept our offer.

5. She ate all the apples.