It's been a day since Mark hasn't heard of his best friend who recently moved states,he hopes she's alright and is pretty worried since he got promised that she will call him once she arrives here and it's been 2 days!
Suddenly Mark's phone rings and it's his best friend Linda.He picks up his phone from his bedside table and have a conversation about what she's been doing and what beautiful places she went to!
One day Joseph got announced announced that he will have a running contest and that the prize is a trip to Miami with 2 hotel rooms reserved by his mother because she knows he's very athletic and he loves running a lot.Joseph of course agrees to join the contest and he does so.He also got told that the contest will take place in 4 days at his school running tracks at 8AM and will have to run 10 laps and finish first.The boy trains till that day.
Fast-forward,Joseph is at the contest running ,running very fast,he's the fastest!He has done 5 laps in 6 minutes and the judges are very impressed.He won the contest and set a record for his school of 11 minutes and 45 seconds.He has won the trip prize and his mom is very happy,now they're having fun in Miami enjoying their time in here.
A young girl named Marie is a big fan of football and she really wants to go to a match,she's tired of watching them only on tv,she says she's bored of watching the match from home and her eyes sore from the brightness of the tv.Her dad decides that he should buy three tickets for the upcoming football match wich is in 2 days,for him,his daughter and mom.He does so and Marie is very happy,she's joyful,the parents smile at the child's gratitude.They went to the match and watched the game to its fullest.