
5 Answer the questions below.
Lunchtime in the UK My name's Tony and I'm 15 years old. I live in London. In my country, students usually - bring a packed lunch to school or have a school dinner. Parents make packed lunches at home. They are usually a sandwich and some fruit. School dinners are hot meals the school makes. We call them 'dinner even though lunchtime is in 10 3 9 8 6 the middle of the day. They usually cost £2 a day. School dinners are very healthy in the UK. Children get two portions of fruit and vegetables in every meal, rice or potatoes or pasta and chicken or fish.
1 Where is Tony from?
2 What is a packed lunch?
3 What is a school dinner?
4 How much does a school dinner cost? 5 What food is usually in a school dinner?


Răspuns :

1) Tony is from the London

2) A packed lunched is a lunch box packed by parents

3) School dinners are hot meals the school makes

4) A school dinner cost s £2

5) Usually, in a school dinner there are two portions of fruit and vegetables, rice or potatoes or pasta or chicken or fish

1. Tony is from London.

2. A packed lunch is usually a sandwich and some fruit.

3. A school dinner are hot meals that school makes.

4. A school dinner cost usually £2 a day.

5. Usually children get two portions of fruit and vegetables, in every meal, rice or potatoes or pasta and chicken or fish.