Îmi puteți face task 7 va rog
Dau de toate

10) What are they eating now? ( Present Simple)
11) The wind blows in winter. (Present Simple)
12) My parents do not/ don't have got a car. ( Present Simple)
13) We were just buying a new bicycle for Carl. (Present Continuous)
14) He tidies his room on Saturdays. (Present Simple)
15) Are the boys in the picture swimming in the sea? (Present Continuous)
Present Simple ( prezentul simplu) este folosit in general pentru a exprima un adevar general valabil, cum ar fi " Pigs don't fly " - porcii nu zboara.
Present Continuous ( prezentul continuu) este folosit in general pentru a exprima o actiune care se petrece la momentul vorbirii , cum ar fi "I am eating soup now /right now/ at this moment. " - eu mananc supa acum/chiar acum/ in acest moment.