Imagine a continuation for this story (in english) where you are the author and you speak at person 1 singular (without looking in the book). Write 200 words or more. It needs to be creative, original and not childish.

fără a drama demisiei d e e d r d e s d d f d e s r s ebdhejdij3 ejwlkwne r fbdnr8d rhsueifiejfiehfo3ixidirodjfidjdidjdudvxirhiddojfnrhdur8sh rveurudyurd djdidididifidifiruydufd radiodifuziune discursuri radiodifuziune jdjdjdhdgdvdgdvdv bdbdjdjdkdjdjjdjd djdjdjeidjf d f dbbdbdndbsndjej dhdkdnshd dbbdbdndbsndjej ejejejejejdjejhehejeueueh enejsnejeudhdhdhdhsjsjsiksnsie8sje
screw you fatherless child