Change these sentences into the interrogative form. 1. My father speaks English very wel ****** 2. The boys don't have lunch in the canteen. ******** 3. Susan doesn't buy clothes at a boutique. ********** *** ************************** 4. Carol kisses her mother in the morning. w****s*s+e*** ************ 5. Our friends live in a big house. +************** *************sssass*snsnsseo ** 6. My brother has a bath in the evening. ****wemoasssesmmameseseesssse*eaosees *** 7. They don't eat a lot of meat. ***w mmmwmmssesssssoe sosssmmu* ****** 8. My father doesn't drive very fast. ***************************ee********e*********************ee******* 9. We borrow books from the school library. w*ww mnnw n**************ssose sss*s* 10. The teacher gives us lots of homework.​