2 Fill in the correct preposition from the list. around, with, to, from, in, of, on, away, at 1 Always turn off electrical equipment when it's not ........ use. 2 Don't eat. bed. You might get mice in your room! 3 Don't play .... ... those scissors. You might cut yourself. 4 You shouldn't be rude ... people. It's impolite. 5 We went ..... .... a day trip yesterday. 6 Stay away .. people you don't know. They might be dangerous. 7 The professor went to the woods in search ... rare plants. 8 You should put a fence your garden to stop your dog from escaping. 9 We have fitted safety gates ... the top and bottom of the stairs to make the house safer for our kids. 10 Please put the magazines finish reading them. when you