
Scrie 10 propoziții cu prezent simple in care sa folosești Since, for, all day, all night, all week, all day, all morning…

Răspuns :

1) *Since* I'm at school, I don't have much time to relax.

2) *For* her I go to the show.

3) I've been learning *all day*.

4) I sleep well *all night*.

5) I've been in the mountains *all week*.

6) I stayed in the house *all day*.

7) I've been watching TV *all morning*.

Traducere :

1) De cand sunt la scoala , nu mai am timp pentru relaxare.

2)Pentru ea merg la spectacol.

3)Am invatat toata ziua.

4)Am dormit bine toata noaptea.

5)Am fost toata saptamana la munte.

6)Am stat in casa toata saptamana.

7)M-am uitat la televizor toata dimineata.

1. I work here since 2020.

2. For how much do you sell this?

3. Ive been here all day.

4. Youve slept all night.

5. She works all week.

6.He drinks coffee all morning

7. Theyre gone for 3 hours.

8. I was up all night.

9. I work for 7 hours.

10. She searched all day.