Exercitiul 4 va roggg

s/n:What did you do last summer?
y/n: I went to the Sloth Sanctuary.
s/n: Really?What did you there?
y/n:I was volunteering to help protect the slots in the rainforest and prepare foods for the sloths,collect data about them and so many awesome things!
s/n:And in August What did you do?
y/n:I went home and prepare for school.I studied.What did you do?
s/n: I went out with my friends and had fun.
s/n=someone's name(numele cuiva)
y/n=your name(numele tau)
Adauga numele tau la y/n si la s/n numele unui prieten:)
Sper ca ti am fost de ajutor!
O corona m-ar ajuta foarte mult!<3♡
Succes! ♡