Put the verbs into the simple past.
Hi Jen,
Is your arm better? I hope so. Last week was the half-term holiday. No school – brilliant! On Monday I played basketball with my cousins. What a game! On Tuesday Fabio and I watched a film at the new cinema in town. It was boring. On Wednesday my sister and I visited my grandmother. We walked around the beautiful park next to her house. On Thursday I cooked the evening meal for everyone – spaghetti! I love cooking. On Friday I stayed at home because I was a bit tired. At the weekend, it was really sunny. I helped my parents in the garden. I really liked my half-term holiday! How was your week, Jen?
Write soon,
Transformăm verbele regulare la Past Simple adăugând „ed” la baza acestuia. În caz contrar, când avem un verb iregular, formele acestuia, la toate timpurile verbale posibile (Past Simple, Past Participle, etc.), trebuie învățate pe de rost.