
Ma poate ajuta cineva cu acest exercitiu? (100 cuvinte)

Dau coroana!!

Ma Poate Ajuta Cineva Cu Acest Exercitiu 100 Cuvinte Dau Coroana class=

Răspuns :


As I came out of the supermarket,I saw someone that I had wanted to see for a long time.

It was my ex-bestfriend,Alicia, from 2 years ago.We were bestfriends for a long period of time,since seconde grade.We were inseperable,we would always hang out after school or call eachother.We always laughed so hard in class for no reason that one time our teacher kicked us out of the class.But about two year ago,something happened.She became distant and didn't talk to me as much.I don't kbow what exactly was going on,when one time as I confroned her about it,she said that she acted so distamt because she just didn't want to be friends with me anymore.She didn't really explain why but since then we haven't been speaking to each other.I miss her and I wanted to reach out again,maybe she would tell me what happened but i didn't really have the guts to do it so today was my second chance.