Am nevoie de ajutor, imi trebuie urgent. Vă mulțumesc! Ofer 55 puncte + vă rog sa nu fie luata de pe net

Hello! Can I ask you some guestions about your possible future carrier?
Yes, you can. What are the guestions?
Firstly I would like to know what are you're passions.
Well a am a very good artist
Very well, you are a performer on this subject or you do it just for fun?
I guess is just for fun at this moment, but I would like to meke my art better
That s fantastic! Do you have a plan for your carrier?
Of course I have! My priorities are to finish my school ant then to open an atelier with my own art.
That's incredible! Well the last guestions si what would you do if your small busines gets a lot af likes?
Probably I would be happy and then I will use the money for the technology that I need.
You did a great job! Thanks for your time!
You're welcome