
Povestește o experiență de când ai fost in camping in limba engleza va rog
dau coroană​.

Răspuns :

Last summer I went with my friend, (nume), camping with our parents.When we firstly arrived we looked a bit around to see our surroundings and check around to find a good spot for setting our tents.Eventually we found a beautiful camp, who had a little lake and a nice forest to look for fire wood there.The lake was crystal clear.
After setting the tents, we also made some barbecue in the evening and ate on a little wooden table who had enough spots for all of us.When we finished eating, we set up a fire with the branches we collected before eating and told some scary stories, they were very spooky!!
And then we finally went to sleep.I heard some footsteps.I was petrified, and was too scared to go outside.It turned out it was a little wild rabbit walking amongst the tent.
After waking up, we packed our bags and stuff and then went home.It was such a nice experience and I’m happy I got to live in the nature for a while!