
am nevoie urgent de rezumat la acest fragmet va rog frumos :
,,By Anonymous, Coppell, TX
Th ere are many issues that aff ect teens. Fashion is one way that
teens use to fi t in – something they struggle with daily. Th ey classify
themselves through the brands they wear, and it makes them feel like
they belong to the group that wears the same fashions. Th ere is always
that new shirt or those new jeans, or just some new trend that comes
on the scene, and teens may feel that if they don’t have the latest look
or the latest brands, they aren’t worthy, or not able to belong to the
larger group.
Also, teens are oft en in school situations where they lack confi dence
or are intimidated by other students. In an article for eHow online
magazine, contributor Ashton Pittman said that, “many teens pick up
on fashion trends in an eff ort to stave off humiliation and mocking
from peers.” Th e majority of teens in high school have a fear of being
bullied or excluded. Th ey use fashion to hide their fear and to feel more
confi dent with who they are, or who they are trying to be.
Th eir attitude towards fashion and the way society shows it to be,
can change a lot of teens’ opinions. Stated in a Southern Methodist
University study, “as a result of this need for peer acceptance, teenagers are receptive to changing such things as character, personality, etc.”
Since a lot of teens try to fi nd their identity through high school and
fashion, it can ultimately change not only their personality, but their
attitude towards other people and their families.
Tying into this, celebrities have a big impact on teen fashion.
Ashton Pittman also states that, “Oft en, fashion for teenagers is the
result of the desire to be like a celebrity.” Teens look at celebrities and
ask, ‘If famous people can wear that, then why can’t I?’ Most of the
time they end up giving the wrong idea, however, to their friends and
people around them.
Have you ever tried to dress so that others accept you? A lot of
teens don’t realize that this is an issue because they are so caught up
with trying to fi t in. Just because other teens have the latest brands and
you don’t, however, doesn’t mean that you aren’t worthy or beautiful
in your own way.''

Răspuns :

One of the main current issue among teens is their fear towards being excluded, simply because of what they wear. Teenagers tend to fell less confident due to the fact that they can’t purchase high brand clothes. Many students try to avoid aggression from their classmate by dressing to fit those standards. Their attitude towards life changes because of this. Celebrities have the biggest influence on what teens wear, since they think they have to look like them. However, no matter what you wear, your worth stays equal.