
Rewatchers have spent a lot of time studying poople themselves Thoy soo Wohsantemporary won who think positivoly. It turns out that an optimistic something goos wrong, optimista link to asoro antud helps us bu happier, more successful and situation or event notihoir capabilities Bocauso they nesither Optimism can protect against depression don't view Botbacks as personal failings, optimists are evertor poople who are at risk of it an optimistle aolo to bounce back hom disappointment better than outlook makes people more resistant to strosa possimists Oplimism mayovon help people live longer The best Horo's an examplo Griffin and Jave both have a trial thing about optimism is you can learn it oven it your lortho crickot toam during their freshman yoor outlook tends to be more possimisto Noither makes tho final cut Both real disappointed Optimism and posamism are mindsets but they handlar differently thinking and seeing things. Optimisis see the positive Goffin is an opumist. He thinks. There was a lot of side of things they expect things to turn out well folent of the trials and only a few oponings. That Toy bolleve thoy have the skill and ability to mako pushed me to practisa hard and I played my best - I good things happen You probably heard poople Tell goodi The coach gave me gront loodback im Wito londlo see the laulis in evrything called going to work on the things he suggosted and watch all tho gomos this season. That way, I'll have a better pessimists." A pessimistis more likely to focus on chonda noxt yoan Joke tends to be more pessimistic He thinks "No People aren't always optimistio or always passimistic wonderi didnt make it - I was the worst ano at but most people tend to lean toward one of these tryouts and the coach doesn't really liko me i nover Thinking patterns. The good nowsis. Il you tend to be got a break. I might as well face it I'm just not a more possimistic, you're not destinod to think that way athlete' Unlike Griffin Jake takes the selback for over. We can all become more optimistle by personally, Ho blamos himsell , but he also nos adjusting the way we see things outside factors (the coach, life as working against Optimism goes beyond seeing the bright side of a him Even worse, he lets this one event make him situation or expecuno good things. It's also a way ol doubthis athletic abilities altogether explaining what has already happened. When (adapted from kidshealth org) something good happens optimists think about what what didn't go well 1. Answer the following questions: 1 What are optimism and pessimism? 2. Why should we think positively? 3. Which boy is more likely to fool discouragod longer, Griffin or Jake? Who is more likely to practise more and my again? Who is more likely to give up? 2. What kind of person are you, in terms of being optimistic or possimistic? illustrate your opinion with a personal example. DAU COROANA ​

Răspuns :


1)Optimism and pessimism are mindsets but they handle differently thinking and seeing things.

2)We should think positively beacuse it can protect us from depression, will help us live longer and will make you look stronger.

3)Jake is more likely to feel discouraged longer.

4)Griffin is more likely to practice more.

5)Jake is more likely to give up.

6) Im more optimist. Back in first grades i wasnt very good at maths, but practicing i became better. Its good to be optimist and dont give up!!

Sper că te-am ajutat. Dar în text cred că erau niște cuvinte greșite și am încercat să le corectez.