
O rutina a mamei in engleză va rog sa fie corecta !!!

Răspuns :


Mom wakes up in the morning and prepares breakfast for the whole family. Then he wakes them all up to go to school, kindergarten or work. After all this, she is also preparing to go to work, she works all day to ensure a good life. In the evening he comes home from work and does some chores around the house and then the whole family goes to bed and she goes to bed too to rest.



My mom's routine

My mom wakes up at 7 o'clock. She make breakfeast and wake us for school. In the afternoon, she clean the rooms and prepare the dinner. My mom does so much amazing things and I'm so grateful for her!


Mama mea se trezește la 7 dimineața. Ea face micul dejun și ne trezește pentru școală. După amiaza, curăța camerele și pregătește cina. Mama mea face multe lucruri minunate și sunt așa recunoscătoare pentru ea!


Sper că e bine mult succes la școală!!