Engleza clasa 11, nu se găsesc răspunsuri

1. If cosmetic surgery becomes more generally accepted, people will stop being ashamed by it.
If television broadcasting is on mobile phones or on computers, people will stop watching programmes on tv.
If tetelevision broadcasting is more advertised, people will waste more time watching it.
If medicine focuses more on transplants, more lives will be saved.
If medicine invests more in genetic engeneering, genetic illneses will no longer exist.
2. forms of transport
If we developed hydrogen cars, there would be no more pollution.
ways of keeping in touch
If we developed 6G technology, our holograms would be able to talk to one another.
ways of saving information
If cloud technology developed, we would no longer need memory sticks on which to save information.
3. mobile phones
If mobile phones hadn't been invented, we would be sending letters more often.
If cars hadn't been invented, we would walk more.
computer games
If computer games hadn't been invented, we would be playing board games more.
4. 1. ... will go for a walk.
2. ... will get a better job.
3. ... would buy a house.
4. ... how important school is, I would have studied more.