
un proiect legat de cum a fost
cea mai recentà vacantà a ta.
Trebuie sà povestesti despre:
• Locul unde tu ai fost
Cât de mult ai stat acolo
Ce ai fàcut acolo
• Cum te-ai simtit acolo
Alte lucruri interesante
Proiectul se poate face fie sub
formà de compunere, trebuie
sa fie lung, in Constanta, la
mare si in engleza va rog multt,
ajutati ma vr pe cineva serios sa aibe cel putin 12 randuri

Răspuns :

My vacation

It was a normal sunny day outside, until my parents came into my room and said we are going on vacation turkey for 2 days, i got so exited and already started packing my bags, after 20 minutes of packing my parents said that we need to go to the airport now or else we would be late. After 2 hours of waiting and getting our passports checked and lugage we finally boarded the plain. When we got off the plain we then called a taxi to drive us to 5 star a hotel. When we got to the hotel we unpacked our stuff and we went to have dinner, after dinner we then went to go explore, at the hotel there was a big swimming pool a hot tub and sauna and lots more things it was so cool. After exploring we then went to sleep, the next day me and my family went swimming in the pool, have ice-cream go on a boat and so on but sadly that was the last day of the vacation since it was only 2 days.

But after all the fun we then when back on the plain to go home I enjoyed staying it turkey it was so much fun ill probably go there again next vacation!