
ajutatima va rog frumos faceti propoziti cu aceste cuvinte in engleza:
quiet,fast,clean,big,healthy,cheap,small,dirty,safe,slow,interesting,dangerous,noisy,unhealthy,expensive,boring, peaceful.​

Răspuns :


liniștit, rapid, curat, mare, sănătos, ieftin, mic, murdar, sigur, lent, interesant, periculos, zgomotos, nesănătos, scump, plictisitor, pașnic.

They are quiet today

You're so fast

My room is clean

This park is big

The doctor said I was healthy

I got a cheap phone

The chair is small

The coat is dirty

You're safe now

You're pretty slow

It's interesting what you say

It's dangerous, don't do it!

How noisy is the tractor!

She's unhealthy

The computer is so expensive!

This lesson is boring ...

The sheep is a Pasnic animal

My friend was in quiet.
My room is clean, because I just cleaned it.
My brother has a bigger room than mine.
I love eating healty.
I dont like cheap clothers.
Mia has a small nose.