
scrie o scrisoare in engleza prietenului tau din străinătate opinia ta despre școală online in 100-150 de cuvinte​

Răspuns :


Hi, dear friend! How are you? How are you feeling? You know, I haven't written to you in a long time, but I always miss you.

In our country, school classes are held online. Nothing is the same as it used to be. Everything is different and it scares me the most that this difference is starting to become normal. Scoring at school is somewhat simpler and is based on projects or work tasks, which is an advantage because the tests are very difficult to take online. Often there are connection problems, with us or with the teachers, which is very bad, because we can't carry out our activities normally. In addition to connection problems, there is boredom. I can barely concentrate and find it very difficult to focus on my classes.

How is your school? I look forward to hearing from you.


Bună, drag prieten! Ce mai faci? Cum te mai simți? știi, nu ți am mai scris de mult dar întotdeauna îmi lipsești.

La noi în țară orele de scoala se desfășoară online. Nimic nu mai este ca pe vremuri. Totul este diferit și cel mai tare ma sperie ca diferența asta începe să fie normalitate.