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Information Science and Technology
Impact of Technology
Technology dependence and overwhelm
Technology is great. It helps us to get things done, connect with people around the world and has advanced the living standards of individual dramatically. But there is a dark side. Technology can be overwhelming. Some of the effects of technology overload are it can seriously affect our social interaction with other people which is a part of human nature and day-to-day living. Technology overload can also affect your health, it can lead to physical and psychological strain. In order to avoid these effects, there are steps people can take to deal with this.
The first step to cope with technology overload is to find something else that’s interesting and beneficial to you. Rather than sitting inside playing with the device, we can hang out with family or friends, exercise or find new hobbies that involve little to no technology. Try putting away the phone whenever we are spending with families or with friends. There are many things that we can do to limit the amount of time spent using technology.