Hello, i'm Michel Obama, I was born on Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4th 1961 and I also lived my childhood there. In 1966, when i was only 2 years old. My parents got married, but sadfully, an important thing that happened in my life was that they broke up and I had to Live only with my mom. After that, I moved to Indonesia and lived there, but at 10 years old, i had to go back to Hawaii to live with my grandparents. I graduated in Columbia University in 1983. I moved to chicago to become a community organizer for the low residents on the south side. The thing that made me famous was the fact that I become America's 44th president and be considered one of the best presidents America have ever had. In my opinion, i m so famous for my country changes that i made during presidency and for my respect and implications. After my time of being a president has gone, over people had taken my place, but saddles I am not forgotten and still loved an appreciated my many people. I hope future presidents can learn from the good i made to my country and hopefully, i could be everyone's idol.