Fill in the correct form of the verbs - All tenses

1. bought, are building
2. are going, have been looking forward to
3. watches, helps
4. broke, was driving, would fix, knew, I had
5. founded, had already written
6. happened, hit, was riding, opened, saw, interrogated
7. will retire, will spend
8. didn't sleep, listened
9. saw, didn't enjoy, had already read, had not read, would have probably enjoyed
10. robbed
11. stood, told
12. was, lost, fell
13. hasn't seen, started
14. was sleeping
15. can't, is
16. just saw, Did you see, have not, read
17. is flying, will arrive, left
18. sells
19. was waiting, was, went, came, couldn't (aici acel "to" in "to catch them" nu ar trebui sa fie)
20. used, broke, don't ski