I wake up at 10 o'clock (ma trezesc)
I get up and go to school(ma scol)
I put my shoes on and I go running(imi pun papucii)
I go to the bathroom and take a shower (Ma duc la baie)
I have a shower in the morning (fac un dus)
I brush my teeth in the evening (ma spal pe dinti)
I comb my hair at noon (imi pieptan
I have breakfast at 10 o'clock (Imi mananc micul dejun)
I make the bed and I watch TV (fac patul)
I leave home on my bike (plec de acasa)
I go to school by bus (ma duc la scoala)
I arrive at school and go to my class (ajung la scoala)
I start school at 8 o'clock (incep scoala)
I finish school at 1 o'clock (termin scoala)
I do the homework at math (imi fac tema)
I come back home by bus (vin inapoi acasa)
I help my mother at home with the dishes (Imi ajut mama)
I have lunch at the dining table (mananc pranzul)
I talk on the phone with my friend (vorbesc la telefon)
I work on the computer at noon (lucrez pe calculator)
I feed the cat with fish (hranesc pisica)
I read my new book (citesc)
I write a poem (scriu)
I do the homework at math (fac tema)
I watch TV before dinner (ma uit la Tv)
I listen to music in my room (ascult muzica)
I download music and files on my computer (descarc muzica si file)
I play computer games with my brother (ma joc jocuri video)
I surf the net on my phone (explorez internetul)
I update my status om facebook before my birthday (updatez statusul pe facebook)
I check my email in the morning (verific emailul)
I get undressed after gym (ma dezbrac)
I say my prayers (ma rog)
I go to bed at 12pm (ma culc)
I fall asleep at around 1am (adorm)