1a VA ROOG!! Dau coroana!!!!

ARTS - visual, performing and literary art forms created by humans
CULTURE - knowledge, experience, beliefs, attitudes, religion, shared by a large group..
CREATIVITY - imagination and original ideas especially in the production of artistic work
CLASSICAL MUSIC -music genre belonging to a long formal tradition and able to be of a lasting value
MUSICAL - a play or a film where part of it is sung to music
OPERA - an art form in which singers and musicians perform a dramatic work combining text and music..
THEATRE- a building hall, or outdoor structure with row of seats for people to sit..
PERFORMANCE - a show to entertain ppl by dancing, singing, acting or playing music on stage
FESTIVAL - a set of artistic events involving music, dance, acting, film
EXHIBITION - a collection of objects or paintings arranged for people to watch and admire
SCULPTURE- the art of carving stone or wood to create..
ABSTRACT- a type of painting/sculpture/ drawing which represents reality symbolically
DISPLAY -an event to display art objects for the public
INSPIRATION - the ability to do smth creative due to your feelings
ARTEFACT - a tool or a decoration of historical interest
CHOREOGRAPHER - a trainer who composes the sequence of movements for a ballet or dance..