
Translate into english:

E dimineata devreme.E sambata si toti sunt acasa.Bunicul sforaie usor.Soarele rasare voios,pasarile ciripesc,iar Spot,cainele meu alb cu negru latra la niste muste.Mama este in bucatarie si pregateste cafeaua si micul dejun.Bunicul casca zgomotos si isi taraie papucii spre baie.Acolo e tata care se barbiereste.Dar copiii ce fac?Ei bine,ei se grabesc,sa dea drumul la televizor.De ce?Pentru ca se transmite un nou film de desene animate.​

Răspuns :

Its a early morning. Its saturday and all are home. Grandpa is snoring slowly. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and Spot, my white and black dog is barking at some flies. Mom is in the kitchen preparing the coffe and the breakfast. Grandpa is yawning loudly and he is dragging his shoes to the bathroom. There my father is shaving. What are the kids doing? Well, they are in a hurry to open the TV. Why? Because there will be a new animation film.