
past perfect continuous tense conjugare repede va rogggg!!!!

Răspuns :

Past Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous Tense indicates a past action which
started in the past and continued to happen after another action
and time in the past. Namely, Past Perfect Continuous Tense tell
"how long the action had continued".
" the duration of the
action" is emphasized more in this tense.
I had been starting
You had been starting
He had been starting
She had been starting
¡ had not (hadn't) been
Had I been starting
You had not (hadn't)
Had you been starting
been starting
He had not (hadn't) been Had she been starting
She had not
Had he been starting
(hadn't) been starting
It had been starting
We had been starting
It had not (hadn't) been
We had not
(hadn't) been starting
Had it been starting
Had we been starting
You had been starting
You had not
(hadn't) been starting
Had you been starting
They had been starting
They had not
Had they been starting
(hadn't) been starting
They had been being friend since childhood.
Thomas had been trying to repair the phone the whole day.
We had been studying all day so we tired
He had not (hadn't) been reading a book.
1 had not (hadn't) been cooking any meal when she came to my home.
You had not (hadn't) been studying English all day.
Had he been reading a book?
Had he been cooking any meal when she came to my home?
Had you been studying English all day?


Ihad been having

Youhad been having

He/she/ithad been having

Wehad been having

Youhad been having

Theyhad been having
