
The Article
Test 3
1. African cheetah is believed to be fastest ani¬
mal on earth.
A An, the, the C , ,
B The, , D The, the,
2. most cats hunt in dim light, but they also
hunt in dark and in daylight.
A , , the,
B The, the, the, the
C , , ,
D The, the, , the
3. Captain Cook reached Cape of Good Hope
in spring of 1771 and sailed via St. Helena
in the South Atlantic before arriving in England in July 1771,
A The, the, , the C The, , , the
B , the, the, D , , the,
4. We must organize little dinner to celebrate
event. Tell her to come and see me at noon.
We'll speak about it.
A , an, the C the, the,
B a, the, the D a, the,
5. She remained on deck until midnight, and
following day she was carried up there again early
in morning.
A , , the, the C , , ,
B a, the, the, the D the, the, ,

6. On the second day of our voyage, before we reached
Zanzibar, Camellia ran into ____ bad weath¬
er, and most of the passengers became seasick.
A the, the, the, the
B , the, ,
C , , a, the
D the, the, a,
7. Until the nineteenth century, carpet was usually con¬
sidered work of art and was made by hand.
A the, , ,
B a, a, the,
C the, a, ,
D a, , the, the
8. At last war ended, but the transition from
war to peace was painful for both sides.
A the, the, the C a, a, a
B , , D the, ,
9. morning after morning of late he has
taken his walk in the same direction trying to see her again.
A A, a, the C , ,
B The, the, D A, a,
10. common autumn phenomenon in central and
eastern USA and in Europe is Indian sum¬
mer, a period of unseasonably warm weather
that sometimes occurs in late September and Oc¬
A The, the, the, the, the,
B A, the, , the, the, the
C A, , , , , the
D A, the, , , ,

11. By late 18th century and Captain Cook's
exploration of southern Pacific, much of
world had been mapped.
A the, the, the, the
B , , the
C the, , the, the
D the, , ,
12. In 1620, group of Leyden Puritans, 101 men,
women and children, set out for Virginia on
board Mayflower.
A the, the, the, the C a, , a, the
B a, , , the D a, the, a
13. At zenith of their power in Middle Ages
craft guilds had enormous power over their mem¬
A , the, C a, , the
B the, the, an D a, the,
14. He was a page, that is youth of noble birth
who left his family at early age to serve in the
family of man of rank.
A , the, an, a, the
B a, , an, ,
C the, the, the, the, the
D a, a, an, a,
15. dinosaur is a reptile that was dominant land
animal during most of Mesozoic Era but
became extinct at its close.
A The, the, the, the, the
B The, the, , the,
C A, a, , ,
D A, the, the, the, the

16. Only tiny percentage of plant species are di¬
rectly used by humans for food, shelter,
fiber, and drugs.
A , , the, the C the, the, the​

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