
Mă poate ajuta cineva la aceste exerciții? Este urgent!!Vă rog!!​

Mă Poate Ajuta Cineva La Aceste Exerciții Este UrgentVă Rog class=

Răspuns :


A baby cried while the plane was landing

Mark showed his ticket and passport while the officer weights his luggage

We have lunch when we experience some turbulence

They check our passports when two police officers and they dogs appear

Sam looked at the departure board when they announce the delay

He looked for his aisle seat when somone called him

The old lady carried her hand luggage when a flight attendant offers to help her.

si 5?

Mario,a boy from cuba was ver y happy when one of the sows on his father's farm gived birth to six piglets.He was very happy when his father taked him to see the young pigs.The boy and his friend played with them all day long.Sadly,three days later the sow died so the man took the piglets home.He thinked of what to do with them while the boy was desperately cying.Suddenly,he got an idea - he puts the little animals close to his dog who feeds her puppies.At first,the dog didnt show any sings of interest in the piglets,but later she gived them milk.Now she feeds her own babies and adopted ones as well.Tina the dog in now famous and everybody knows her story.
