Va rog un raport despre școala la fel ca modelul asta in engleza!!!! dau coronita

My school
My school strikes the perfect balance between modern education and vintage architecture. The vintage buildings of my school never fail to mesmerize me with their glorious beauty.
The main purpose of the American school is to provide for the fullest possible development of each learner for living morally, creatively, and productively in a democratic society.” “The one continuing purpose of education, since ancient times, has been to bring people to as full a realization as possible of what it.
Gymnastics is a sport that requires strength, flexibility, dedication, and determination. However, gymnastics also requires the ability to be graceful and delicate. For many years people have been dedicating themselves to this sport, training for either artistic or rhythmic gymnastics. The sport of gymnastics has been around for many years.
Joghing is the part of exercises where people do some physical activities by walk or running for body health called the term jogging. These days, Jogging is quickly turning into a normal exercise routine found in the greater part of the individuals. All Doctors and nutritionists advise their patients for jogging that helps in bringing many health benefits which are the required steps of it. Daily jogging means, It helps to increase stamina and helps us to keep fit and healthy.
In today’s world, with the hustle and bustle of city life, my school is a wonderful place to learn and grow. It enriches our journey through education by blending in play, fun and nature.