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The first quotation is advising as to be cautios about developing new technology too fast for it might end up hurting us. Not in a "Terminator" - rise of the machines way, but rather keeping in mind that everything we invent and create comes at a cost. Everything has it's advantages and disadvandatges and, eventually, the disadvantages might harm us more than the advantages will help us.
The second quotation reminds us that every change is scary, so, naturally, it is always received with resistence at first. However when change is, in fact, good, we adjust. First people resist to change out of fear. Afterwards some brave or reckles people give it a try and if the result is good, the rest of the people will follow in trying whatever is new and already tried by the bold ones.
Somehow they both hold some truth, but it is a matter of attitude in the end. As everyone, I am also afraid of change, but I usually find out more details, weigh the advantages, disadvatanges and risks, and most likely end up among the bold ones, trying the new things and new technology, as long as there are slim to none chances of getting hurt myself or harming others.