
5. Use the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.
1. She ____________________ (visit) six countries so far.
2. Jimmy ____________________ (play) since he was five years old.
3. He ____________________ (win) the national championship four times.
4. Bill and Andy ____________________ (make) ten films since they left college.
5. But I ____________________ (not finish) it yet. ​

Răspuns :




1. Use the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. She has visited six countries so far.
  2. Jimmy has been playing since he was five years old.
  3. He has won the national championship four times.
  4. Bill and Andy have made ten films since they left college.
  5. But I haven't/have not finished it yet.



  1. Ea a vizitat șase tari pana acum.
  2. Jimmy se joaca de la cinci ani.
  3. El a castigat campionatul national de patru ori.
  4. Bill si Andy au făcut zece filme de cand au iesit din colegiu.
  5. Dar nu am terminat inca.



Affirmative: S + HAVE + verb+ed/verb 3rd form

Negative: S + HAVE + NOT + verb+ed/verb 3rd form

Interrogative: HAVE + S + verb+ed/verb 3rd form + ?

Folosim pentru :

  • evenimente recente din trecut (nu e timpul specificat)
  • actiuni permanente
  • situatii terminate
  • a pune accent pe rezultatul actiunii



Affirmative: S + HAVE + BEEN + vb+ing

Negative: S + HAVE + NOT + BEEN + vb+ing

Interrogative: HAVE + S + BEEN + vb+ing + ?

Folosim pentru:

  • situatii neterminate
  • actiuni temporare
  • a pune accent pe durata actiunii
  • a indica de cat timp se intampla actiunea


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